(Here is a sample letter you can modify and send in. it can be helpful to state your ward to get the attention of your alderman) 

To: WilshireL@nashuanh.gov

cc: BOA@nashuanh.gov, GrahamD@nashuanh.gov

Subj: It is time to permanently remove the barriers

Dear Board members,

I am in favor of permanently removing the downtown barriers. I believe the barrier provided an important function in supporting our resturants during the COVID pandemic. They have performed their useful purpose but it is time to open main street back up, back to 2- North/South lanes and allow all of our businesses to have storefront parking.

There are solutions to expanding restaurant seating that would not involve the seasonal or permanent placement of barriers that should be explored by City leadership.

Thank you for your attention to this important CIty Matter.

Please place this email/letter in the Next Board of Aldermen Meeting Packet.
